Lunes, Oktubre 24, 2011

Teen Age Relationships

What is love?  What is teen-age love life? What is the difference between love and teen age love?  What are teen-age relationships?   What are the positive and negative effects of this?  Who are the teenagers?

           For me, I can define love as an extraordinary feeling that is hard to explain but is good to feel.  Teen-age love is usually a love between two teenagers.  Teenagers are usually youth with the ages 12 years old to 18 years old, or usually 1st year high school students to 4th year high school students.  Teen-age relationship is a relationship between teens that loves each other.  Teen-age relationship is good because this motivates us to improve on our studies; to boost up our self steam; and, to have someone who cares for us aside from our parents. Some relationships are not positive.  Some teen age relationships are not healthy because they are not serious about it.  For example the guy only made relationship to the girl because he only wants something to the girl that when he got it he will left the girl.

            It is very important for the youth to understand the pros and cons of teenage relationship for this will help them to become happy or this will make them suffer.  It's in their choice to choose whether they will have a healthy and happy relationship or not.

Martes, Oktubre 18, 2011

Come Back to Me My Love

Turn back the heart you've turned away
Give back your kissing breath
Leave not my love as you have left
The broken hearts of yesterday
But wait, be still, don't lose this way
Affection now, for what you guess
May be something more, could be less
Accept my love, live for today.
Your roses wilted, as love spurned
Yet trust in me, my love and truth
Dwell in my heart, from which you've turned
My strength as great as yours aloof.
It is in fear you turn away
And miss the chance of love today.

(This is an example of Petrarchan or Italian sonnet.)